April 2024 Newsletter

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April has all the makings of a busy month!

  • On Saturday April 27th we have our AGM, Canford Cliffs Village Hall, starting at 10-30am. The agenda will be circulated by a separate email shortly. Refreshments available at the end. I hope many of you will be able to attend.
  • April 12th is the closing date for our submission to BCP Council’s consultation regarding their next steps in their planned sale of part of the Beach Road Carpark. Any resident may submit their comments, by email or letter to: The BCP Council Corporate Property Officer estates@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
  • We have sent our briefing Documents to a Chamber of barristers who specialise in property law. We will know by the AGM if we have any legal grounds to challenge the Council further, and if this chamber has a barrister who will give us formal advice, and at what cost!
  • There is another Carpark under threat; the one at the bottom of Canford Cliffs Road at the junction with Penn Hill Avenue. This is important to the group of businesses around that junction, and it is used by parents and schools for the safe transfer of children onto school buses. A petition has been started; Log on to https://chng.it/QxKzqhpd2f
  • We are also reviewing the BCP draft local plan. More information on this, particularly the planning aspects at the AGM
  • Road safety is a continuing issue and we want to hear members views on the 20mph speed limit currently under discussion.
  • We continue to develop our contacts with neighbouring Associations and a meeting with the newly appointed head of planning, Wendy Lane has set up for April 19th. Again, feedback will be given at the AGM.

Vital Plea;

At the AGM, or before, we need to find a new Secretary (possibly supported by a Minutes Secretary) and someone with Excel spreadsheet skills to help our Membership Secretary maintain our membership records.

Please contact me to discuss what is involved. Neither role is too arduous, but both are vital!


Peter Schroeder



April 2024