November 2021 Newsletter

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Dear Members,
May I apologise for the mix up of dates and days in our October newsletter. A level of incompetence that I don’t have a suitable excuse to insult your intelligence with. Also, because of restrictions on numbers at the Canford Cliffs Village and the proximity of Christmas, the AGM is deferred until April 2022.
The next regular monthly meeting will be on the 2nd Wednesday 10th November. Same time same place, the Main Hall at St Aldhelms, doors open at 7 pm and the meeting starts at 7.30 pm. You can find the minutes of the October meeting and the agenda for the forthcoming November meeting on the website.

The Planning Report

It is an integral part of the Association raison d’etre. Dugald Eadie is tireless in his work. He visits potential development sites, talks with planners and residents. He is the defender of the Conservation Area. Dugald does all of this with a dry wit and style, and aplomb. You can find his report here; go to the foot of the page.

The Pines & Chines Magazine

The magazine has finally gone to press and will begin distribution from the 12th of November. This Winter edition is packed with interesting and thought-provoking articles, and we have some new advertisers too. We retain the 100% recyclable format, which has gone down well with members and advertisers. Another fantastic effort by editor John Gunton.

Questions to the MP & other leading figures

MP’s are busy and inundated with emails, letters and phone calls. They do work hard without a doubt, but how to attract their attention. Perhaps a sensible question on an important topic from our Association might do the trick. For instance, here is a question we could ask…
“Is it likely, given the push to ramp up progress in switching to renewable energy, that the Navitus Bay Wind Farm Project could be re-visited?”
Should that be the outcome, then we, as individuals and as an association, will have to think about where we would stand on this.
Also, the Association could channel questions to other important figures such as the Chief Constable and the BCP Chief Executive. As food for thought, why will neither the Police nor BCP get to grips with the speeding issues on our roads? For example, the junction of Leicester, Bury and Wilderton Roads can be scary if one is trying to cross over on foot.

Climate Change

What’s that got to do with the Association? Well, quite a lot as it affects every one of us, surely. So, can we as individuals or as an Association make a meaningful contribution to the effort? Let’s discuss next week.

Mince pies and mulled wine on the cliff top

What’s not to like about that? Our Special Projects leader, Vicky, hopes to attract potential new members to our Association by holding this event in the Pinecliff Sunken Garden on the clifftop. How to get folks there? It would be wonderful to create a forum just for an hour or two to bring in new members and highlight some local talking points. That’s the challenge for us to discuss on Wednesday. And that neatly brings us to our

Garden Project

It’s a great success and not just from a horticultural perspective but from a social one too. The volunteers are from many different backgrounds, except our retired diamond sorter, Alison, and long-time volunteer John Mills all live in flats, having moved from houses, and they miss their gardens. The garden has been fabulous throughout the year, and even now, we still have lots of colour and vibrancy.
The Association funds the planting and pays the insurance, and only yesterday, our new Association member Christopher Bulstrode offered a special donation of £1,000.00. Thank you, Chris; your generosity is so much appreciated.
On that cheerful note, I’ll sign off on behalf of all the committee and look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.