October 2022 Newsletter

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Dear Members

Plans for October 2022 Monthly Meeting

We are pleased to confirm that this month’s meeting will take place as usual, on Wednesday 12th October 2022. The meeting starts at 7:30 pm, and will finish around 8:30 pm. The usual refreshments will be available from 7 pm. The meeting will be in the Committee Room at the rear of the Branksome St. Aldhelms Parish Centre (accessed from Lindsay Road).

There is still not much clarification about the “Three Beach” issues – Beach Huts, Beach Road Car Park, and Branksome Beach Cafe. We will try to share any information that we or our members have.

As usual, there are several outstanding and new planning applications in Burton Road and Lindsay Road, where various developers continue to propose site-splitting and replacing bungalows with blocks of flats. We continue to do our best to represent the interests of the residents in this area.

The latest magazine is in process at the moment, and we should be able to provide an esimated date for its distribution.

We look forward to our meeting, and hope that we can return to our normal routine.

The Executive Committee